HOME >> Bharabi Science College >> BSc Microbiology

About the Program

Course Contents:
First year:
History and development of microbiology:
Classification and nomenclature of microorganisms
Scope and applications of microbiology
Morphology of bacteria
growth and physiology of bacteria
Isolation, enumeration and culture of bacteria
Microbial Genetics
MIcroscopy and different techniques of handling of microorganisms
Techniques in control of microorganisms
Host-parasite interaction
Introduction to virology
Introduction to parasitology
Introduction to mycology
B.Sc. Second-year MIcrobiology-II (MB 201)
Course Contents
Living cell and understanding of its biochemical functions
Macromolecules and biomolecules of living cells
microbial metabolisms
Microbial genetics
Concept of biotechnology
Fermentation process
Agricultural microbial biotechnology
Biotechnology in dairy industry
Methods in genetic engineering
Enzyme Technology
B.Sc. Third Year Microbiology 
A) Molecular Cell Biology (MB 301)
Course Contents
An overview of cells
Cell structure and function
Membrane structure and transport
Structure and organisation of actin filaments
The microtubule cytoskeleton
Intracellular transport
Cell signalling
The cell cycle
B) Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Quality Management (MB 303) (Elective)
Course Contents
Introduction of pharmaceutical microbiology
Anti Microbialagents
Quality evaluation of pharmaceutical products
Microbial spoilage and preservative of pharmaceutical products
Quality assurance and quality management
Food safety and consumer protection
C) Bioinformatics (MB 304) (Elective)
Course Contents
 History, scope and importance of bioinformatics
Internet, World Wide Web and NCBI in  bioinformatics
Databases, tools and their uses
Sequence alignment
Predictive methods using DNA and protein sequences
Homology, Phylogeny, evolutionary trees and pharma informatics
B.Sc.  Four-year Microbiology
Environment and Public Health Microbiology (MB 401)
Course Contents
Soil and its constituents
Micro-organisms in soil and their roles
Microbial Ecology
Rhizospheric and phyllospheric microorganisms
Microbial interactions
Microbiology of extreme environments
Biogeochemical cycles and role of microorganisms
Microbial degradation
Aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds and application
Plant pathogens
Microorganisms in various foods
Factors affecting microbial growth in food
Techniques for determination of microorganisms in food
Food handling and spoilage
Food Preservations
Food quality evaluation
Role of Microorganisms in food poisoning
Agriculture and Food Microbiology Practical (Major) (402)
Course Contents
Microorganisms present in the soil
Buried slide technique for microbial flora of the soil
cellulase produced by organisms
Microorganisms from biofertilizers
Observation of various organisms present in the soil
Differentiation of various organisms from soil samples
Phosphorus solubilisers
Count of micro-organisms in different foods
Dairy products: Milk, cheese and ice-cream
Tests for milk quality
Presence of MIcroorganisms in meat and meat products
Microorganisms present in fruits
Medical and Public Health Microbiology (Major) (403)
Course Contents
Health and  disease and epidemiological measurements
Methods of transmission of diseases
Management of diseases
Drinking water microbiology
Waste Management
Microbial air pollution
Historical background of medical microbiology
Normal flora of the human body
Immunity process
Safety measures in clinical labratory
Methods of specimen collection, transportation, processing and culture of clinical samples for detection of pathogens
Common pathogenic bacteria
Common pathogenic viruses
Medically important fungi
Common pathogenic parasites
Medical and Public Health Microbiology Practical (Major) (MB 404)
Course Contents
To perform a bacteriological examination of drinking water
To assess air pollution
To collect and transport various clinical specimens
To perform different staining techniques
To prepare different culture media and monitor their quality
To prepare Biochemical media and reagents for identification of bacteria
To differentiate different types of bacteria from biochemical tests
To perform an enzymatic test of the bacteria
To perform antibiotic susceptibility test of the bacterial isolates 
To demonstrate serological tests
To learn various sample collection techniques for the diagnosis of mycotic infections
To prepare fungal culture media
To detect the fungi by microscopic methods
To examine the samples for intestinal and tissue parasites
Methods in Microbiology (Applied Microbiology) (MB 405)
Course Contents
Safety measures in microbiology laboratory
Methods of specimen collection, transportation and processing of clinical samples for bacteria detection
Sample collection and laboratory diagnosis of mycotic infections
Method of collections of samples and processing for detection of parasites
Immunological and serological tests
Method of Collection of water samples and microbiological analysis
Field level tests for disease diagnosis
Molecular tests in microbiology laboratories
Microbiological quality tests of foods
Microbiology laboratory in agriculture
Bioinstrumentation (2076) New Course (MB 407) 
Course Content
General principle and approaches of biochemical investigations 
Working principle, instrumentation and application of Phase contract, electron microscopy fluorescence microscopy
Working principle, instrumentation and applications of techniques
Working principle, instrumentation and uses of chromatographic techniques
Principle, instrumentation and applications of Lambert Beer's law, X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry
Principle, instrumentation and application of molecular techniques


The students must have completed ten plus 2 or equivalent exam with minimum C grade to become eligible for studying this T.U. designed program in Bachelor level.

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