Digital Marketing Course


Digital marketing, especially in Nepal, has gained considerable momentum in the last decade or so. One could argue that the concept of marketing one’s products in the digital sphere found solid, mainstream attention for businesses of all sizes during and after the pandemic. In recent times, not just large companies with considerable marketing budgets, but even companies that really had no marketing budget, so to speak, have accepted the digital marketing space as a new frontier for moving products.

Taking a Digital Marketing Course in Nepal, as of this writing, is not just about gathering a skill to find employment. It is also about taking whatever business you have, small or large, and expanding your market many times over. There are shops today that are nothing more than a warehouse in a not-so-visited part of town, but these same shops sometimes move more products than their downtown counterparts.

Quite a few things, like the lockdowns, smartphones, delivery systems, social media, etc., have converged in recent times to give companies and individuals access to markets that physically would have been next to impossible to reach. A Digital Marketing Course in Nepal is the key to accessing this market in an efficient manner.

About Digital Marketing Course in Nepal

Digital Marketing, as a course, includes the use of many technologies, techniques and a variety of content. Still, all of these close in to one simple goal—get the attention of the market and sell your product.

Should you sign up for a Digital Marketing Course in Nepal, you will be introduced to the aforementioned technologies and techniques that would empower you to reach a larger target audience for your product at a cost that would be much lower than conventional channels.

In most cases, a whole marketing campaign carried out over a month can cost less than what you would pay to get your brand on a half-page advertisement in a reasonably famous newspaper. A course like this would usually cover multiple disciplines like designing and developing simple websites, search engine optimization(SEO), Search Engine Marketing(SEM), YouTube & monetization, social media marketing, basic graphic design tools, and affiliate marketing. We will discuss these concepts in the latter part of this piece.

The point is, that a course like this is designed to equip you with the necessary tools and know-how to take your (or your employer’s) product to a large audience and drive sales. Usually, this course is 2 to 3 months long.

Careers in Digital Marketing in Nepal

One can opt for a decent variety of professional endeavors after a Digital Marketing Course in Nepal. You can go the SEO/SEM route, Social Media route, YouTube route, or even the associate marketing route.

SEO/SEM Manager:

As a SEO expert, you could be hired to look over a company website and ensure that the website ranks highest on a search engine like Google when users search for relevant topics. The SEO protocols can be applied to any web page and is especially useful for companies who are trying to market their content.

Social Media Manager:

As a social media manager, you would represent your (or your employer’s) brand over a number of different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. A significant amount of the attention generated from these platforms can be converted to direct sales under the right circumstances. Hence, this is an important position to fill for any business.

Freelance Digital Marketing:

Even as an independent individual, without being a full-time employee, one can get a bunch of companies subscribed to their services and help them maintain a presence in the digital sphere. Although this is a dynamic workflow, with a reasonable expertise in digital marketing one can make a really good income even if you take this up as a side business.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is also a really popular form of passive income generation. The idea is to create an audience on digital platforms and incentivizing your audience to purchase products from a specific source, via which you would also receive a commission.

A Digital marketing Course in Nepal is a great way to make an income even as a part time engagement. One can explore their creativity and leverage that to sell products and services in a variety of ways.

Breaking Down the Concept of Digital Marketing

It has already been established that Digital Marketing is a discipline that spans across various platforms and technologies. Depending on your inclination, you, the student, can decide to specialize in one or many of these strata. So, for the sake of your ease, a rather broad breakdown of digital marketing aspects have been presented herein.

Websites & SEO:

The platform that actually makes digital marketing possible as a whole is the Internet infrastructure. It is because the smartphones & internet services have become affordable for most households in the country that the concept of digital marketing is even relevant to the Nepalese market.

With that being said, websites & web pages make up the bulk of the internet’s interactive infrastructure. Hence, it is the job of a Digital Marketing professional to make sure that these websites and web pages are fit to represent the business and will maximize sales. At scales, companies have entire departments to take care of these things with all sorts of advanced tools.

However, an individual with the necessary know-how can still approach companies of smaller scales with a proposal of making their companies more visible to a wider audience.

Social Media & Content:

Another major aspect of Digital marketing is Social media marketing. Although a bulk of the internet is made up of web pages and web applications, the majority of time spent by an average individual is on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, amongst a few others.

Now, there is a huge possibility of advertising products and converting leads in platforms like these at surprisingly low costs. You must have seen the number of advertisements on these platforms for yourself. Facebook even has a dedicated marketplace where one can trade products.

There are ways one can leverage the algorithms of these media giants in a way that your product reaches the most number of people. You can design campaigns to very targeted audiences and maximize your chances of closing a product deal.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a slightly different model of digital marketing. That being said, it has become somewhat mainstream too.

The idea behind partner marketing is this: there is a merchant with a product and there is an entity—person or company—that has an audience. So the entity with the audience drives the merchant’s sales and in return is awarded a certain percentage of the revenue generated.

A digital marketing professional is on both sides of this transaction. Meaning, you could be a merchant with the product or the influencer doing the selling via links. Either way, you can make a good income with this deal.

While on the subject, a lot of digital marketing has to do with conveying information via content. Of course, there are aspects that dictate the nature of the content, where and how it is presented, and all that jazz. But what holds back a lot of aspiring digital marketing professionals in Nepal is the supposedly cumbersome job of crafting that content. That’s where AI tools can come in. From writing clever ad copies to acting as an inspiration for creative graphics, there are AI tools that a digital marketing professional can use, mostly for free or very little money, to make their jobs easier.

Before you Start

Just to be clear, there are no formal prerequisites to joining a Digital Marketing Course in Nepal.

Then again, as you might have already noticed, Digital marketing is an elaborate subject. Hence, it requires that you have some basic knowledge before you start. Even though you can work on these foundational subjects as you take the course, it is highly recommended that you do it well before you start Digital Marketing Course in Nepal.

The first thing that you need to be accustomed to is the essentials of search engines and social media platforms. You need not be an expert or something. It’s just that you understand what a normal everyday user of these services does. Going a step further, try to be mindful of how companies are using digital marketing efforts to target you. For example, see how companies you follow put up posts on Facebook or Instagram and how often they do it, pay more attention to the frequency of advertisements you’re getting and what kind, what the first few links after a quick Google search have in common, etc. Just a simple observation will deepen your understanding and observation of these platforms.

Another important thing to study would be the Principles of Marketing. If you have an academic background in Marketing, i.e. if you’ve studied marketing in school or college, you should mostly be covered—a quick revision should be enough. If not, you should definitely sit down with a traditional Marketing book. You see, digital marketing is a new frontier in marketing and will help you reach a lot more people. But, most courses will only teach you the “digital” side of digital marketing, i.e. tools and best practices. At the end of the day, people will behave how they always have, and the traditional practitioners of marketing have theorized and charted a path already.

Finally, there’s the content side of things. You see digital marketing isn’t just about the content. Still, content is what the target audience is going to be persuaded by. Everything else is all about getting the content to the intended target. So, a compellingly designed piece of content is generally going to perform well in this domain. Learning how to make compelling content can be quite useful. Now, content can be anything from blog posts to animated videos and everything in between. Just figure out what it is that you would like to do and figure out how you can make good content. You don’t even have to do it yourself, but you need to know good content from bad.

Where You Can Get a Digital Marketing Course in Nepal

As of this writing, there are quite a few institutions offering a Digital Marketing Course in Nepal like IT Training Nepal. However, even under the broader Digital Marketing umbrella, there are courses that specifically offer a course in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, and Affiliate marketing. Be sure to check the syllabus of the course you plan to get admitted to, or ask the institution explicitly about the course details.

Frequently Asked Questions on Digital Marketing Course

As a beginner, you might be signed on for NPR Fifteen thousands to NPR twenty thousands to start with. However, experienced professionals can earn well over NPR 1,00,000 working with multiple clients.

A Digital Marketing Course in Nepal takes around 2 months. However, it may take longer if the curriculum is an extensive one.

You don’t need to have a technical background to take up a course in Digital Marketing in Nepal. Although, it might help you navigate some aspects of the course. There is a more theoretical background that a student of business or management might be more familiar with.