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Flutter Course


Flutter is a new and free software development tool that can be used to create different desktop, web, and mobile applications. Flutter possesses a wide amount of benefits, first advantage is that it provides you the chance to develop applications for broad platforms such as Windows, Linux, OS, and Andriod. Secondly, it can compile ARM as well as intel machine codes and ensure their functioning is fast on different devices. Thirdly, it improves your productivity by allowing you to update the code and watch the effect of those changes immediately. In addition, it is a free tool and you can utilize this to create various software at zero cost.

Due to the versatile uses of Flutter, its courses have been very popular among the young generation. This familiarizes the students with the fundamentals of fluter, tits basic tools, Dart programming language, compilation of code, identification of bugs, and debugging those errors. In addition, this aware students of the pros and cons of using Flutter and how to maximize its advantages.


What should a flutter course primarily focus on? What are the major objectives of the Flutter course?

The flutter course mainly focuses on providing students meticulous understanding of the components of flutter and their functions. Some of the minor functions:

  • To provide pupils with the platform to master the knowledge and skills of Flutter fundamentals.
  • To familiarize the students with the dart programming language and its topic related to the flutter.
  • To teach students how to use the framework in devising effective flutter user interfaces in the mobile app developing landscape.
  • To develop the ability to use the flutter skills for creating a real-life example project.
  • To provide knowledge of rendering engines, and IDEs such as Visual Studio Code and Android Studio.
  • To make the student capable of developing interactive apps with material design, themes, assets, and more
  • To embed students with the ability to utilize Flutter to speed up mobile development work and reduce costs.
  • To make students capable of using a wide variety of widgets and native features of Flutter.
  • To improve the networking capability of students and provide a chance to be a part of the community of developers.


What career path can I choose after accomplishing the Flutter course? Which career options you can select after completing this course?

An in-depth understanding and certification of the this course can open a broad range of career opportunities for you whether in Nepal or outside of Nepal. Some of the career opportunities for you after completing this flutter course are listed below:

  • Flutter developer: In this job, your duties will be to use the Flutter framework for creating applications for websites, or mobile.
  • Front-End Developer: During this job, you will look have to look after the front-end of the applications and ensure that those are user friendly.
  • Mobile App Developer: For this job, you have to create high-level applications for Android-based or iOS-based mobile applications.
  • UI/UX Designer: Being employed in this job, your might have to use flutter widgets, create animations, apply design principles and debug to make the application run smoothly to improve the experience of user while use the applications.
  • Performance Optimizer: After being employed in this job, you might have to change the codes to make applications more efficient or user-friendly.
  • Flutter Instructor: For this job, you have to teach students how to use Flutter more conveniently and efficiently.

Pathway to complete Flutter course:

How will flutter be taught from starting to end? What will we learn while taking the Flutter course?

During Flutter courses, you will learn the following things:

  • At first, you will be informed about the requirements while installing flutter in your computer and then you will be taught how to install flutter and its essential components.
  • After you install flutter in your PC, you will learn about the fundamentals of flutter and the theories and principles behind the widgets.
  • After that, you will be familiarized about the dart programming language and you will be taught in depth about the components of dart which are useful for flutter.
  • Following that, you will be taught how to develop an application which can be useful for all the feasible platforms.
  • Working with Firebase and Figma: This portion will help you to utilize Firebase for backend development and Figma for UI/UX design while developing Flutter applications.
  • Advanced Flutter Concepts: In this part, you will be introduced to the concepts of state management, networking, and many more.
  • Building a Portfolio: In this part, you will learn how to work in collaboration and develop your networking with other developers.

Importance of flutter course

What is the importance of the flutter course for you? How can you benefit from this course?

Flutter course has a lot of importance in your professional and professional life because of following point:

  • Rags to Riches: Flutter is free course, you can utilize this course without paying a penny and with this course you will be able to built any application for wider platform. If you are able to make the application popular among people then you can change your life from poverty to riches.
  • Expand your connection: Flutter course can connect you with a large community of developer where you can share your difficulties. You can also ask to them for solutions of problems you have been facing.

Flutter Course in Nepal

In this generation, the flutter course has flourished well among many professionals in Nepal. From computer engineer to computer technician, and IT researchers to IT enthusiasts, everyone are enjoying flutter platform. Flutter course in Nepal can help these professionals to use Flutter platform with more efficiency. The demand of proficient flutter user if at high in the current job market so, this course in Nepal can help quality Nepalese citizen to be employed in any part of the country.

There are various online platforms which are offering this course at a very affordable price. You can research a suitable platform as per your feasibility. Some of the institution in kathmandu had been offering flutter training course from a long period of time and one of those institutions is IT Training Nepal. You can click on Link to know more about this training.

Frequently Asked Questions on Flutter Course

In international job market, a junior developer is paid around $70k and skilled flutter developer is paid the range of $90K to $121K. In context of Nepal, you will be paid around Rs 60 thousand to Rs. 1.5 lakh as per your skills and experiences

Certification of flutter course vary based on institutions and time period of the course. You should check the alignment of your requirement before joining any platforms of institutions to take flutter course.

Yes, why not. If you dedicated your full attention to this course and you became persistent in you training then you can have strong handle over basic of flutter in 7 days.

Among app developing framework, Flutter is one of the easiest tool to learn.