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JavaScript Programming Course

JavaScript is one of the most practiced programming languages today. Every young IT enthusiast is eager to learn in order to pursue his professional career.

It is basically used to create web pages or interactive web applications for users around the world. Not just that, programmers can use this programming language in back-end development, gaming, or mobile applications.


As Mozilla puts it, “Every time a webpage does anything more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at…you can bet that JS is probably involved.”

This must give you an idea about how commonplace JavaScript really is. Almost all of the web pages today are dynamic in some way. Some examples of functions facilitated by JavaScript would be displaying content updates, interactive elements, animated graphics, etc. Essentially, if you want to start a career in web development, JavaScript is an absolute must.

A JavaScript Course in Nepal is just the start, in many ways. After a course like this, there are volumes upon volumes of knowledge bases that will open their doors to you, for you to become a full-fledged full-stack developer and more.

About JavaScript Course

Imagine a web page as a house, there are three distinct aspects to this here house. The first aspect is the structure—the brick-and-mortar that makes up the house. This is like the HTML layer. HTML is responsible for giving structure and meaning to the content we wish to display.

The next thing on the house is the paint and lighting, essentially the aesthetics of the place. This layer is the CSS layer. CSS defines the background colors, fonts, and content layout in columns. It is responsible for the styling of the underlying HTML layer.

The final aspect of this here house is the appliances—the things that give you functionality around the house. Here, you could add dynamic functions to your webpage—multimedia, animations, and so much more. This is the JavaScript layer.

In essence, the JavaScript course in Nepal will teach you how to make and operate various dynamic elements on a web page. However, that isn’t the final goal. The goal here is to create an interactive webpage—the whole house.

Career after JavaScript Course

JS is one of the bulk popular scripting or programming languages primarily used to enhance the functionality of a web page. Depending upon the depth of the course completed, there are a number of careers that you can take up, namely:

  1. Frontend Developer: Someone adept in JavaScript and related platforms can find employment as a front-end developer. That’s someone who specializes in creating the part of the webpage that is client-facing or user-facing.
  2. Backend Developer: In any webpage, especially web applications, there is a lot going on behind the scenes to keep the user experience smooth. Developing all of the functions under the hood and ensuring that everything is in order would be a job for a backend developer.
  3. Full stack Developer: They are responsible for both the front and back-end development of a web page or application. A well versed JavaScript developer could use various frameworks like the MERN Stack to build a complete project.
  4. JavaScript Developer: The opportunities mentioned above might require one to be familiar with other disciplines like Python, SQL, etc. However, there are niche professionals out there who exclusively work with JavaScript and related specialities.

Opportunities Aboard

A JavaScript Course while still in Nepal will empower you to seek better opportunities abroad too. With a staggering number of Nepalese citizens opting to go abroad, either for education or furthering their careers, a course like this one could be a powerful tool in your arsenal of skills. You see if you are even remotely associated with web development, JavaScript will come into your radar. You might also be well aware that many companies are lining up to build a strong digital presence with the help of the internet, not just in Nepal but all over the world. The opportunities are truly endless.

For someone who is in the process of going abroad for an extended duration, proficiency in JavaScript would open a lot of career pathways. Even as a student working part-time, being a JavaScript developer would award you with a handsome income. In the USA, you can earn about USD 110,000 as a JavaScript developer on average. The average comes down to about USD 62,000 for entry-level developers.

Learning and working with JavaScript could even fund your entire academic career abroad.

What You’ll Learn in a JavaScript Course

Over the 3-4 week JavaScript Course in Nepal, you will be inducted with a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript and relevant tools with practical applications of the same. You will also learn how to write programs for your webpage.

While there may be additions to the course, the course must cover the following core topics:

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Using Built-in Objects in JavaScript
  • The JavaScript Document Object Model
  • Form Validation
  • Event Handling in JavaScript
  • Dynamic HTML
  • Cookies
  • Introduction to Jquery
  • Writing Jquery programs
  • Jquery Functions
  • Practical Applications

Because this is more of a beginner course, there are institutions like IT Training Nepal that offer an accelerated version of the course to students who want it. Usually, though, the course is usually 3-4 weeks long.

Before you start

Do you remember the house analogy for web page development from before? Well, it carries over to what you can do before you start working with JavaScript. Since JavaScript is responsible for developing the dynamic elements of a given website, having the knowledge of how you can actually build the web page from scratch is valuable.

Before you start a JavaScript Course in Nepal, you should at the very least have an understanding of the HTML and CSS layers of web development. Thankfully, these layers are pretty straight forward and most institutions that offer a JavaScript Course in Nepal offer an optional HTML and CSS brief to go before the actual course begins.

Besides having a background in CSS & HTML, an aspiring JavaScript developer should have a basic understanding of programming foundations. Although it is not a mandate, having a working knowledge of the foundations of programming would make the process of learning JavaScript a lot easier.

Where you can study?

If you’re interested in attending a JavaScript Course in Nepal, you have a variety of options to choose from. For all the people living in or close to the major cities in the country, there are many institutions that could provide in-person sessions such as IT Training Nepal. You could sign up for a class and just regularly take part in the scheduled lectures.


If a physical class is not feasible for you, don’t worry! There are online resources that you can refer to. First off, there is the documentation issued by JavaScript that describes its capabilities at length. Then there are YouTube videos and even full length online courses that would essentially teach you the same stuff you would have learned in a classroom at a training center. Most of these resources are free to use, but the more advanced courses that have been properly organized by experts might be behind a paywall. These courses require that you either take a monthly subscription of the platform or buy the particular course in full. 


We would recommend that you start with the free resources, and build upon them. Then, should you find the need to explore further, you may take up the paid course too. 

Frequently Asked Questions on JavaScript Programming Course

Yes. HTML and CSS are essential elements of any web page design. It is the scaffolding upon which any webpage is built. JavaScript, on the other hand, is to add more functionality to a webpage. As a web developer, you need to have a foundational understanding of all three of the aforementioned layers.

A JavaScript professional working in Nepal can earn anywhere from NPR 2,00,000 to NPR 8,00,000 per annum. That is a monthly salary of just over NPR 16,000 to NPR 66,000. However, depending on the company, nature of the project, experience, and skill, a veteran developer could be compensated much higher.

Yes and no. There are a lot of resources you can use to get a similar level of understanding to a JavaScript Course in Nepal for free. However, if you want an organized course with a dedicated tutor, you will have to pay.