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MERN Stack Programming

Overview of MERN Course

MERN stack, one of the more popular variants of the MEAN stack, has been in high demand as of late, especially here in Nepal. Understandably, beginners and even veterans in the IT scene are looking for MERN Stack courses in Nepal to get started on this lucrative opportunity.

If you're exclusively interested in the courses offered, you can jump to a later section of this article. Still, I suggest you hold your horses and see if this is the stack for you.

The M, E, R & N of MERN

MERN Stack is actually an acronym for the component technologies that make up this particular stack, namely: MongoDB, Express (.js), React (.js), and Node (.js). In unison, these four technologies can allow a proficient user to craft anything from simple web applications to enterprise-level architecture.

React would be employed to craft the presentation layer; Express and Node make up the application layer and all of this can run with MongoDB as the database layer. What makes this stack favorable against many others is the simple fact that you can get away with a full-stack solution using just JavaScript and JSON, through and through. Still, there will always be those asking:

How Difficult is the MERN Stack course?

A crude answer to that question would be: As easy as full-stack web development can be.

Think about it, you will have to learn to work with the functionalities and libraries of a number of different technologies on the front end, back end, and database levels. However, you have the good fortune that all these technologies essentially run on the same language. So working with them, as well as, the ease of use and communication within the individual technologies will be much less of a hassle to handle. As you might already be aware, usually a full-stack web development project requires one to use different programming languages on different levels. This can be a hassle and a half to learn and create. Not to mention, a lot of things could still go wrong between two working layers in the stack.

MERN Stack courses in Nepal are easy in contrast to their contemporaries. However, you will need to put in a lot of effort still to learn and master the stack. Also, you might need a few skills on hand before you even begin learning the MERN Stack.

This seems like the appropriate time to contrast the strengths of the MERN Stack.


  1. Full-Stack JavaScript: The first and most obvious strength of the MERN technologies is that a developer can create an entire application stack using just one programming language.
  2. Meaning, it is easier to learn, faster to deploy, and more streamlined than most of its contemporaries.
  3. Versatile: MERN is quite versatile in terms of handling data and scaling applications as per the client’s needs.
  4. Active Community: With the technology being open source and the barrier to entry in terms of skill being comparatively low, the number of developers in the community is on the rise.Fortunately, they are also active on various forums. So, everyone can share resources, learn new techniques, and be duly updated with best practices.

Before You Dive In

Each of the technologies that make up the fabled MERN serves a different function to make the full-stack, three-tier architecture. By design, all of these layers can be mastered using a common skill set the common denominator being JavaScript & JSON.

Hence, before you start MERN as is, you need to have a foundational understanding of HTML and CSS layered beneath a proper proficiency in JavaScript. Conversely, you could take up a MERN Stack course in Nepal to hone or simply practice your JavaScript know-how. Veteran backend app developers would be at home with the MERN Stack, quite possibly, from the get-go.

How to get started?

As previously stated, MERN Stack is an opportunity that could yield to both novices and veterans. By extension, it implies that the starting point for any aspiring developer in this stack will largely depend on the existing skillset that the individual already has in their respective arsenal.

For an absolute beginner, a good place to start could be by learning the web programming fundamentals, i.e. HTML and CSS. These basic languages are quintessential for developing modern web pages. They are also fairly accommodating to students just getting into the field.

Once that is taken care of, one can expand their horizons by compounding their HTML and CSS understanding under the broad umbrella of JavaScript since all the stacks in the MERN Stack courses run on this particular programming language. At the very least, anyone looking to dabble with MERN Stacks must have a working understanding of JavaScript.

Once you have JavaScript down, you can seriously start unpacking the MERN Stack, one letter of the acronym at a time. It is at this time that the list we’ve compiled for the Best MERN Stock Courses in Nepal will be the most relevant to you.

If all of this is starting to sound overwhelming, don’t worry, every step of this process will allow you to professionally employ the skills acquired to generate a surprisingly decent income. The trick is to simply keep enterprising and find ways to monetize the skills along the way.

You will still be able to devise decent web pages with knowledge of HTML and CSS, which in itself is quite a marketable skill. And, with a working understanding of JavaScript, your opportunities are virtually limitless.

What you’ll learn?

Yes, the end goal of every MERN Stack course is the same—to make you into a full-stack developer. Still, different educators will have their distinct ways of preparing you for the same. Some trainers in Nepal will start from the absolute basics, introduce you to the basic web development protocols and languages, and build upon that. Others will assume that you know your way around the fundamentals and focus more on teaching you the functionalities and libraries of MongoDB, Express (.js), React (.js), and Node (.js). Eventually, letting you craft your digital web-based creation into existence. You will need to choose the course as per your level of expertise.

With that being said, these are the things that a good MERN Stack course in Nepal should cover—a syllabus if you will.

  • Fundamentals of JavaScript
  • Understanding Node.js & Node.js Asynchronous
  • Node.js Web Servers and Application Deployment
  • Understanding Express.js
  • Understanding React.js
  • Application Testing
  • MongoDB and REST APIs
  • Security and Authentication
  • Async Await
  • GitHub Version Control & Working with Postman

Should you not want to go the academic route and venture out on your own, you could still make use of resources available on the internet. Although it is advised to learn the stacks under the tutelage of an expert, you can learn a great deal by studying up and practicing on your own. Here are some tips that could make the process more intentional and organized:

  • Start with JavaScript: As the bedrock of this stack, a solid understanding of the script is needed to even get started. If you want, you can even pick up a course for just the basics of JavaScript.
  • Online Resources on MERN Stack: Once you speak the Java jargon, you can start studying the individual technologies. You can use resources like free libraries, YouTube, or even a paid platform should you find value in their offering.
  • Build projects: Don’t be afraid to start building projects once you have a working understanding of MERN stacks. Perhaps try something small and build up as you get more confident. Remember, you’ll get more hands-on experience even if you make mistakes. So, don’t be afraid of a few failed projects while learning.
  • Utilize Community resources: The technologies used in MERN are open-source. Meaning, you have the ability and opportunity to understand these stacks in-depth. Plus, there will be communities of developers built around helping one another on various public forums. Don’t be shy about asking for help when you need it.
  • Documentation: Routinely refer to the official documentation issued by MongoDB, Express (.js), React (.js), and Node (.js). These materials will disclose each component used in great detail, including guides, API references, and step-by-step tutorial breakdowns.