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Node JS Courses


Node.js is a multiplatform and free Javascript time frame medium that can be operated on MacOS, Windows, Linux, and many more. This works on the V8 JavaScript engine and operates JavaScript codes outside the Internet Browser. Developers use it as a tool to develop web applications that have to deal with an abundant amount of data. It has been very popular among developers due to its high performance, easy scalability, cost-efficiency, and easy-to-learn characteristics. Some of the popular applications developed using Nord.js are Netflix, Paypal, LinkedIn, Uber, and many more.

Created by Ryan Dahl, Node has been gaining popularity every day. Due to this, Node.js courses are highly in Demand in Nepal and most parts of the world. This course provides an individual with the knowledge and skills to use Node.js more effectively and efficiently. In addition, this course will develop a strong foundation as a backend developer.


From this course, the concerned students will learn how to build network programs such as Net servers which are for traditional websites and also for back-end API services. The course will feature the principle knowledge and applications of this open source, cross-platform run time Java application which is mentioned as follows:

  1. To teach the learners about the Node.js runtime environment and its responsibilities in backend web server development.
  2. To provide knowledge on setting up HTTP servers and methods to organize the network system.
  3. To understand the working of Buffers, Events, and Streams of Node.js.
  4. To know the function of a single-threaded event loop approach, Unified API and data streams.
  5. To be able to apply for all applications such as chat, streaming, browser games, real-time collaboration tools, and the Internet of Things.
  6. To teach how to utilize Node package manager which is mostly used to manage third-party libraries.
  7. To provide the skills of using Node.js for building restful APIs.
  8. To impart in-depth knowledge on data storage and recovery by using Mongoose.

Pathway to complete Node.js course:

What will you learn while completing this course?

While completing this course, you will get a chance to learn the following topics:

  • At the beginning, you will get to know about the background of Node.js and after that, you will learn how to install Node.js on your PC.
  • Secondly, you will be familiarized with the fundamentals of Node.js and its runtime environment.
  • Then, you will be introduced to file handling in Node.js.
  • Following it, you will be taught about the Node.js REPL.
  • Consecutively, you will be introduced to the Node package manager and its application.
  • Then, you will learn about Node.js object-oriented programming and objects and retrieves.
  • Additionally, Node.js buffers along with their execution methods will be taught.
  • After that, you will learn to use Node alongside the MySQL database.
  • During the final phase of this course, you will learn about data validation, and setting up an HTTP server alongside the extension of the application created by Node.js.


This course grants you the chance to choose various career paths not only in your country but all over the world. After completing this course, one can work in mobile app development companies, web development content writers, senior react developers, blockchain developers, and many more. Some of the career paths after accomplishing this course are as follows:

  • Node.js developer who can write server-side web applications in logical Javascript.
  • Full stack developer who can create websites and applications for various platforms.
  • Backend Developers who are able to focus on back-end logic and database, architecture, and servers.
  • Senior lead Backend designer who administered the task of project requirements and provided feature-rich web applications.
  • AWS Backend developer optimizes the back-end web service of the organization.
  • Node.js + vue.js developer who executes Javascript as well as its framework for building user interfaces.
  • Node.js and reactJS developer to build server applications and client-side applications.
  • Mean Stack developer for web and mobile platforms.
  • Principal Engineer oversees research development and design of Engineering processes.
  • Angular developers with Node.js who can build powerful, full-stack web development.
  • With good teaching skills, you can always work as a Node javascript tutor after developing a strong grasp of this course. You can commence your website, YouTube channel, or physical institutions through which you can provide Node.js training to diverse students all over the world.

International companies that hire Node.js developers in the world:

  • Aloa
  • One Beyond
  • Leanware
  • Monkeytech
  • Core blue
  • Incora

advantages of Node.js course

What are the benefits of Node.js for you? How can you get the most out of this course?

Node.js possesses so many perks for your personal and professional growth. Some of the major merits of this course are listed below:

  • Node.js can be used for both frontend and backend development and it can grant you the opportunity to drive your career as both the front-end and back-end developer.
  • If you are a Java front-end developer then it gives you a good opportunity to work in back-end development. So, this course can help you develop proficiency as a back-end developer in a short period of time.
  • Due to the high-performing capability of Node.js, this course can aid you in creating real-time applications.
  • It can assist you in creating new applications with the potential for growth and adaptability.
  • This course can help you to be included in a humble, active, and supportive community of Node javascript developers and this can ease your journey to being a top-class developer.
  • This course keeps you updated about Node.js and endows you with the required skills as per the current job market.
  • This can help you create multifunctional apps with improved response time and performance.

Node.js course in nepal

Node.js course in Nepal was introduced recently in addition to many countries all over the globe. Despite its late introduction, we can see the rapid growth of Node.js courses in Nepal. Its abundant benefits are alluring youngsters in Nepal to select Node.js as their career choice and they are regularly enrolling in its courses. At present, there are limited online platforms that have been offering Node.js training courses in Nepal free of cost. Some of those institutions are Coursera, Udemy, Edx., W3school, and many more. There are a few physical educational institutes that have been offering these training courses at affordable prices in Nepal. One of the many institutes is IT Training Nepal, click on the Link to find out more.

These courses are very important in the context of Nepal because of the following major points:

  • The growth of Node.js is inevitable and its tools are expanding day by day. So, this course in Nepal will help Nepalese developers showcase their skills on a global stage.
  • The demand for Node developers has increased in the job market all over the world and this course can make Nepalese citizens efficient to work in any part of the world.
  • This also can provide essential knowledge to produce entrepreneurs. With the rise of new startups the economy of Nepal can get a boost.

There is a wide and exciting range of career opportunities for Node. js-trained manpower in Nepal. Many Nepalese companies are always seeking a skilled and motivated Node.js developer. Some of those companies are listed below:

  • Genesis Solution
  • Janaki soft
  • Digital Yuba Pvt Ltd
  • Startups realm technology
  • Web tech Nepal
  • Shotcoder tech
  • Infinite IT Solutions Nepal Pvt. Ltd
  • Gurzu Inc
  • Asterdio Inc
  • Softbenz Info sys pvt. ltd.

Frequently Asked Questions on Node JS Courses

It has been observed that Node.js runs faster and smoother in comparison to PHP. However, you should be clear about your requirements before enrolling for Node.js or PHP courses.

Nord.js can be used for the development of both the backend and frontend of the web server whereas ReactJS is a javascript library that can only be used for front-end development of the web or mobile applications. only a front-end development javascript library for web or mobile applications.

Due to high performance, as well as multiplatform adaptability and functioning abilities, Node.js is still highly preferred for web and application development

If you are proficient in javascript then you can learn Nord.js in 3 days. However, if you are entirely new to Nord.js then it might take you a few weeks. Don't give up and be patient you will surely develop excellent skills in Nord.js.

The cost to take a Node.js course in Nepal can vary based on the institution, and time of course. The basic course can cost you around Rs. 3 thousand and you might have to pay around Rs. 10 thousand for an advanced level course.

Node.js developers in Nepal can earn up to Rs. 41,750 per month.