PHP Course

PHP, full form, Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side scripting language built for developing web based applications. It is generally preferred for developing small to large scale dynamic web applications. It is used to develop personal or commercial websites, e-commerce applications, web based information systems, reservations systems, and similar kinds of applications.


Hypertext Preprocessor is what PHP stands for, and it is at the core of some of the most popular websites and web applications in the world today. Everyone uses Facebook and Wikipedia almost every day, right? 


PHP is actually an open-source scripting language that is executed on the server side and is often used for web development. There is a good reason why PHP is so popular amongst web developers. Not only is it deep enough to run large social networks, but it’s so easy to learn that it can be the first server-side language for a beginner. 


PHP, as a server-side scripting language, can generate dynamic page content, manage cookies, access & modify data from databases, encrypt data, and much else besides. As is evident, these are all major features that come in handy during the web development process and are essential for the user experience of any web page or web application to be good. 


The PHP courses offered in Nepal are designed to get students acquainted with this language and help them use the skills acquired to build real working projects.

Course Structure

The course structure of a PHP course in Nepal has two modules: the basic module and the advanced module. As the name suggests, the basic module is designed to introduce students to the foundational concepts of PHP and know what’s what. Here, the student also learns the procedural programming pattern—a foundational paradigm in programming that will enable them to tackle even complicated tasks in the future with relative ease. This module usually takes about 2 months to wrap up considering regular one-hour to one and half hour lectures. 


Once the foundational aspects are covered, then the students move on to the advanced module where they will be inducted into object-oriented design principles and Model View Controller pattern. These skills would then be used to work with popular PHP frameworks in actual projects. After the basic module, this segment should take another 2 months to complete. 


Of course, these timings are averaged out. Depending on the specific course and institution, the duration of the course might be slightly different. On that note, a good PHP course should cover the following lessons:

The Basic Module

  • Developing Templates with Bootstrap Framework

  • Foundations of PHP

  • Understanding Database

  • A Revision of JavaScript

  • JQuery integration

  • Application Development using PHP

  • AJAX

Once these foundational ideas have been established, the students can move on to advance lessons like:

  • Object-oriented design principles

  • Data Objects

  • Managing Cookies and sessions

  • Advanced Application Development with PHP

  • Advanced Database

  • Security

  • Working with Laravel Framework

Careers with PHP

As a certified PHP developer, one can have a related career path in IT fields such as command line scripting, desktop application development, web development, compiler-based applications and various career paths. They can work in companies, E-Commerce platforms, flagships, automotive, banking, financial, automotive, and IT real estate sectors. Job positions for PHP programming are as follows:

  1. Full stack WordPress developer to create front-end and backend software

  2. Junior delivery Engineer who can play contractor role jobs

  3. Senior Software Engineer who can direct software development projects

  4. Backend Engineer who can design, build maintain server-side web applications

  5. Senior dot net developer who uses .NET Microsoft frameworks for scalable applications

  6. Senior Laravel developer who can improve backend codes and formulate APIs

  7. Senior Game Developer who can manage all code development processes of a game

  8. Remote PHP developer to work from home in remote PHP programming jobs.


The salary for a PHP developer in Nepal is 40,000 to 80,000 NPR.


Usually, PHP courses in Nepal don’t have a hard and fast prerequisite course just to enroll. However, a foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would be largely beneficial for the student learning. One needs to have an understanding of these foundational building blocks of web development to properly apply their PHP learning outcomes.


So, what most institutions do is set up an optional short preliminary course to get the student caught up with the relevant ideas of web development, especially HTML. This ensures that the students make the most of the PHP course later on. 

Advantages of PHP: Why Learn PHP?

Well, for any aspiring web developer, having, at the very least, a working understanding of the PHP script is sort of non-optional. There are so many platforms that use this technology and so many use cases for it that you will have to learn it. Although this makes it sound like every web developer’s hand was forced into learning PHP, the reality is quite different. PHP is a relatively easy language to learn and is a really efficient script to run on the server side. 


Another massive advantage of the PHP platform is the inclusivity of it. This script can be run on all popular platforms like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Unis, and so on. In a similar vein, the language is also compatible with most servers in operation today. Not just that, PHP works well with a wide range of databases as well.


Best of all, this technology is free. Even before you sign up for a course in PHP, you could download it and tinker around on your own using the resources available on their website. 

Objectives of the PHP Programming Course

  • To learn server-side scripting language for building open-source software apps

  • To learn web applications with static and interactive websites

  • Learn to output any documents like XHTML or other XML files with auto-generation and save options

  • Learning how to build an authentication

  • Learn to build custom solutions that catch PHP errors and exceptions

  • Able to collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements

  • To be able to test the robustness of PHP applications and improve technical skills

Where to study?

Now that we’ve established that a PHP course is a worthwhile addition to an aspiring web developer’s repertoire let’s talk about the how of this equation. 


A good way to start learning the PHP script is to read the official documentation produced by its creators. From there, you can go one of two routes: the online route and the in-person route. 


There are a bunch of YouTube videos out there that have almost full courses on PHP. Others have problem-specific videos. Either way, it's a huge learning resource. At minimal cost, anyone can take up an online course with platforms like Coursera or Udemy. Still, the best way to learn PHP programming is with a proper instructor. You can have an experienced instructor guiding you and helping you through every obstacle. For that, you will need to get enrolled into an institution. 


If you want to learn in person and get instant support on projects, you can sign up with any of the institutions from the list that we’ve compiled just for you. Happy learning!

Frequently Asked Questions on PHP Course

Most people consider PHP to be a rather easy programming language. Of course, that is said in the context of programming languages themselves. So, one’s willingness to learn and aptitude for grasping the rules of coding, abbreviations, and algorithms are also important considerations.

PHP is a server-side scripting language. Hence, it is a language intended for backend scripting. The scripts written onto the server can then interact with the frameworks that make up the backend or front end of the web page or application.

A basic PHP course would take about 2 months to complete, with regular lectures of one or one and a half hours. An advanced course would also be just as long on average.