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Python with Data Science Course


A Python with Data Science course in Nepal could be one of the most rewarding investments that a professional working with data can make in today’s market. The skills learned herein can be used in a variety of scientific and managerial scenarios. Whether you’re working with market information or data collected from the stars in the night sky, Python with Data Science can help you clean up the collected data and translate it into meaningful information.

“Not to mention, as an executive, you might have a hard time finding employment in the field of Data Science without a firm grasp of Python.”

The Python programming language has grown to be one of the most popular in the world for one very simple reason—it’s a general-purpose language. Meaning, that the language is incredibly versatile and can be employed in a whole host of use cases, look at the list given below:

  • web development,
  • software development,
  • back-end web development,
  • machine learning,
  • artificial intelligence/AI,
  • data analysis.

As for this particular article, we will be grounded in Python’s ability to process and visualize huge evidence sets.

Python’s popularity is also accentuated by the fact that the programming language is surprisingly user-friendly. This is because the prompts one uses in their Python lines of code are largely based in the English language, making it easy to craft, check, and modify.

About python with data science in nepal

It is an established fact that Python is the most popular programming language among data scientists, and it isn’t difficult to see why.

As per the American Society for Quality, there are a total four stages to solving:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Generate alternative solutions
  3. Evaluate and select Alternative
  4. Implement and follow up on the solution

An extension of this attitude can be found in data science, where the discipline defines the four stages of problem-solving in parallel:

  1. Data collection & cleaning
  2. Data exploration
  3. Data modeling
  4. Data visualization

According to Flatiron School, the tools accessible through Python can assist any data scientist in all 4 of these stages.

While these concepts can sound complicated and, to some, even outright alien, a Python with Data Science course in Nepal would get you started from the absolute basics. Someone with little or no experience in programming could also sign up for these courses. The first month of the 3-ish months of training would be exclusively dedicated to getting one started on the ins and outs of the programming language and the remaining two-thirds of the course will be dedicated to teaching you to work with data in Python.

Some programs in Nepal, like IT degrees, engineering degrees, and master’s level business degrees also include aspects of the Python with Data Science course in their curriculum.


At any given point in time, there are hundreds of job postings on LinkedIn for people with Python with Data Science backgrounds in Nepal. There are thousands of remote jobs posted from companies across the globe for the same, where even if you’re based in Nepal, you can work and earn compensation at international rates. You can be employed full-time with a company or work on a project-to-project basis, whatever suits your fancy.

Suffice it to say, as a Python with Data Science professional, you will have endless opportunities both here in Nepal, and abroad.

It is also important to note that this course is more of a gateway. The onus of putting your learnings into practice, keeping yourself updated with the technology, and expanding your horizons with specialties is on you, the student. However, should you choose to do that, these might be some lucrative positions that you could apply for:

  • Junior Data Analyst
  • Junior Data Engineer
  • Business Data Analyst
  • Risk Management Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst

What you’ll learn in a Python with Data Science Course in Nepal

As previously stated, a Python with Data Science course in Nepal usually takes 3 months. However, the duration is an average estimation and some institutions can have a course that is longer or shorter than 3 months, depending on the depth of knowledge imparted and the model of delivery.

During this time, you should at least be covering the following aspects of Python with Data Science:

  • Data Manipulation: You should be instructed on how you can prepare the datasets available to you and transform them if required to later be analyzed.
  • Statistical analysis: You should be taught about how you can employ different statistical operations on the datasets to test hypotheses and deduct meaningful inferences to be later used in decision-making.
  • Data visualization: You should be instructed on how to make visual representations of your data and statistical findings such that the information can be assessed in an easier way.
  • Machine Learning: You should be able to understand and implement machine learning models to build predictive models that can make projections on the given dataset based on historical data.
  • Big Data Processing: You should also be introduced to tools like PySpark that would help you process and analyze otherwise large sets of data.
  • Data Mining: You should be adept at using machine learning models to extract patterns and usable information to be used for later analysis.
  • Model Deployment: You should be mentored in deploying the data analysis model you’ve developed into a production environment in a professional capacity.

These seven skills largely cover the scope of what you’ll be studying as a student of Python with Data Science Course in Nepal.

Before you jump in

Being beginner-friendly is a core tenet of what makes Python so popular. Although approachable for beginners, there are a few things one needs to build upon before they get into a Python with Data Science Course in Nepal. The idea is, that you’ll have an easier time getting the hang of what you’ll be taught in your classes.

Let’s start with the foundations of the course: Python.

For one to learn Python, there isn’t much you need to know. You just have to be adept at basic computer operations, like understanding your operating systems, installing/uninstalling programs, troubleshooting, working with browsers, and the like. Should you want to learn app development and web development, you can build a foundation in scripts like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, for the purposes of this course, you need not have that background.

What you need to focus on more is the mathematical aspect of things, more specifically statistics. Because you’re going to be working with large sets of data, manipulating it, running analysis in it, and so on, you need to have a solid grasp on the kinds of details available, the kinds of hypotheses one can hold, and the operations one can do to run the analysis. A foundational understanding of concepts like hypothesis testing, p-values, confidence intervals, and probability distributions in statistics is a must when learning Python with Data Science Course in Nepal.

Again, it is possible to learn these statistical concepts as you do the course. However, if both the programming language and the scope within which the programming language is being applied are alien to you, you will have that much more trouble mastering the Python with Data Science course.

Where you can learn this stuff

If you’re interested in learning Python with a Data Science Course in Nepal, there are a couple of ways that a seeker can pursue it, namely online & physical classes.

Online Resources for Python with Data Science Course in Nepal

As previously stated, Python is a popular programming language not just among data scientists. Hence, there is a huge community of Python developers working in all sorts of spaces, from data sciences to web development. Python Software Foundation, the creators of this open-source programming language, have hoards of tutorials and community posts that a beginner can utilize to their heart’s content. Apart from that, there are communities on Discord, Stack Overflow, Reddit, GitHub, etc. where one can learn from the wisdom of the programmers who came before them. Of course, you can also make use of the resources on YouTube.

If you find yourself asking, “Is Python with Data Science Course in Nepal free?” The most of resources mentioned above can be retrieved without a cost.

Now, you will have to pull out your wallets if you want a more hands-on mentorship. You can find a bunch of courses on the internet—some from reputed universities, others from experienced professionals looking to further monetize their skills, & others still from online learning platforms.

In-Person Classes for Python with Data Science Course in Nepal

If you are someone who needs to actively interact with your tutor and learn Python with Data Science in the physical presence of a teacher, there are any number of institutions that offer this course in different parts of Nepal.

A Python with Data Science Course in Nepal would cost you anywhere from NPR Twenty thousand to Thirty thousand for a 2.5 to 3-month period.

A comprehensive list has been compiled for your convenience in the latter part of this post. However, it is recommended that even learning with in-person tutors, you make use of the online community and resources made available to you by the programmers before you.

Frequently Asked Questions on Python with Data Science Course

If you have a decent understanding of statistical tools and how to use them, the course itself is considered to be one of the easiest.

The amount might vary greatly depending on which part of the world you’re applying. If it’s in the US, you make at least 13 dollars an hour.

On average Python with Data Science Course in Nepal costs about NPR Twenty thousand to NPR Thirty thousand.

An average Python with Data Science Course in Nepal is about 2.5 to 3 months. Although some programs might be longer or shorter depending on the depth of the knowledge being imparted.