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Python With Django Course


Python course is quite a versatile programming language yet it’s one of the easier languages to grasp, for a beginner. Still, the sheer magnitude that Python entails makes it hard for people to use it to its fullest potential. As of late, quite a few opportunities have been sprouting for Python experts in the Nepalese job market.

Amongst the plethora of possible employers, a sizable chunk is looking for developers with the skills and aptitude of a web-based app developer and that’s the niche that you could crack should you join a Python Course in Nepal today. 

This article is meant to be your one-stop solution if you’re looking to become a Python-based web app developer—all thanks to the brilliant tool crafted by the geniuses over at Django Software Foundation. 

Learning Python with Django: What does it mean?

Python, as a programming language, is quite versatile. It can be used to create web applications, desktop applications, run data analytics, create AI programs, and so much more. That being said, most people don’t need to excel in all of these domains. So this Python with Django course is designed to make a specialist out of whoever enrolls.

Yes, you’ll learn the ins and outs of Python in these courses, but the bulk of your efforts will be invested into learning how to build web applications; you know, like Instagram or Pinterest. And, yes, these applications use the Django frame over Python.

As the creators of Django said themselves, “(Django is) The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.”

In essence, the Django framework is still Python, but it emphasizes minimizing redundancy and making use of pre-built templates to get your product out ASAP! 

Understandably, for someone looking to specialize in web application development, studying Python with a Django course can be a huge timesaver. Not to mention, the product hence created would be secure, scalable, and quite versatile.


With a Python with Django Course in Nepal, one can pursue a career as a Web developer, Software developer, and Data Scientist. Not just in terms of career positions, a programmer adept in Python with Django can find employment in a number of different industries, including but not limited to technology, entertainment, news, and social platforms.

Is this a Basic or an Advanced Module?

Python with Django Course in Nepal is actually an advanced module in the Python programming vein. The course would yield the maximum benefit to a developer who is already well-versed in Python. On average, a course like this would take about three months to complete. However, some courses akin to this module could take longer depending upon the depth of tutelage and the structure that a particular institution chooses to impart.

Where do you start Learning Python with Django in Nepal?

Well, like most skills out there, having hands-on experience with the tutelage of a known expert would be the best course to hone your craft. In the same way, the best way to start learning Python with Django is by learning from a dedicated mentor or an institution. That being said, someone who already has experience in the Python programming language would likely be able to learn Django on their own by going through the resources available online. Before you’re inducted into a tutelage though, there are a few things you could still do to ease the transition. 

If you’re totally new to the game, it would help to get your foundations straight. In this case, since you’ll be building the application on the web, a thorough understanding of the web development basics could help you a lot. This includes a working understanding of protocols like HTML and CSS. 

Once you have that down, the next thing to brush up on would be Python itself. You see Django is not an independent tool as such, it is a framework built upon Python. You need not be an expert, mind you. Still, it pays to know the foundations that you’ll be building on later. So, a basic knowledge of Python is also a must. 

The final piece of this preparation pie is the understanding of databases. When working on development with Django, you will regularly have to manage and manipulate databases. Hence, if you have prior knowledge of databases and SQL you will be able to do so with relative ease.

Why You Should Learn Python with Django in Nepal ?

Django is one of the most widely used frameworks within Python, and you’d probably be surprised by how many of the heavy hitters in Silicon Valley have made billions working with the same. Now, there’s no reason that the next blockbuster idea can’t come from you. Best to have all that you might need in your repertoire. 

Anyways, there are a few reasons, in particular, a few attributes that make the Django framework ideal for web app development. 

Accelerated Time-to-market

Suppose you come up with the next big idea for the Nepalese market—an app that will really make a difference. With Django, you can roll out the app into the market fast. That would definitely give you an advantage from a business standpoint. 

This happens because it has an elaborate code library, from which you can borrow chunks of code instead of writing everything from scratch. It also has a bunch of tools built in, like a REST framework for creating APIs, and integration with various databases, and it doesn’t require any third-party extensions to operate.

Very Versatile and Scalable

As hinted before, there are a slew of applications that you likely use every day that have been developed using this platform. Suffice it to say, a project developed using this framework can range from a basic calendar app to a large social media platform, and a bunch of others between, like MVPs and prototypes, content management systems, e-commerce, e-learning and mHealth platforms, collaboration software, and online marketplaces. The application hence can also be scaled up really fast to meet your traffic needs. 


The creators of this amazing platform have put security at the core of their creation. The Django framework is routinely updated to account for the latest fixes. Despite a developer failing to update their toolkits routinely, the native security protocols are such that they would still comply with the highest security standards.

Ample Support Resources

According to Stack Overflow, about 15% of developers choose the Django framework. Meaning that there is an extensive community of Django developers out there and the Django forum facilitates a supportive environment where developers can discuss, see what new features the platform is working on, and even ask & answer any particular questions they might have. Besides that, the creators of this amazing platform have already created an exhaustive set of documentation with tutorials and reference guides for programmers to make use of.

What you can make once you learn Python with Django

Hold on to your hat folks! Because the companies that use Python in their systems are the true behemoths of the tech industry. 

So, here is a list of a few companies that use the Django framework that you have very likely heard of, if not used yourself on a day-to-day basis:

  1. YouTube

  2. Instagram 

  3. Google Search 

  4. Spotify

  5. NASA

  6. Dropbox

  7. Mozilla

  8. Pinterest

What we’re trying to imply is that regardless of the scale of your idea, you can use the Django framework to roll out a marketable app in the shortest time.

Frequently Asked Questions on Python With Django Course

NPR 25,000

Django which is high level web framework that is build with python provide robust tools for designing web applications. One can work as web developer, django developer, full stack developer.

Massive internships and job opportunities and regular interaction with python developer community.

Both forms of Physical and online classes.

2 and half months.