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UI/UX Course


UI/UX refers to User Interface and User experience. For most abled customers, the first alluring quality is looks, which is the look of your product attracting the clients. The second thing is user-friendliness; are your products easy to use and explore? Besides that, another essential element is the experience of users; are they satisfied with the services of your products or websites? UI/UX has been a most important part of business. This not only deals with the appearance, friendliness, and feel of products but also comprises what are the feelings of users regarding those projects. The quality of goods should align with customer satisfaction for its flourishment. 

UI/UX design is very impactful when it comes to the success of your digital products. These things can retain your old customers and increase the number of new customers. Here comes the UI/UX course which provides you with the essential knowledge and skills of creating visually appealing products and keeping the experience of using those products by customers positive.


Key learning objectives of UI/UX are about increasing customer satisfaction, pleasure from product interactivity with clients, and loyalty from learning how to create visually appealing interfaces, navigation, and engaging interactions. Also, the objectives for learners involve typography, design principles, color theory, and driving user retention. Other objectives of this course are as follows:

  • To understand how the product is laid out while keeping the feel of the product in mind.

  • To provide knowledge to students about building prototypes, layouts, and common pitfalls with user behaviors

  • To develop an understanding regarding the role of UI/UI in website compatibility and better conversion

  • To solidify project objectives for enhancing user satisfaction and solving specific challenges related to designs.

  • To contribute to the company’s success by growth in daily active users and consumer retention.

  • To build the capacity to collaborate with other users, increase conversion rates, and decrease bounce rates.

  • To teach the techniques of focusing on intuitive designs that can meet customer needs

  • To engage with digital experiences which can be tailored to customer expected needs
  • To enhance the key skills in wireframing, prototyping, sketching, Figma, envisioning, Adobe XD, Axure RP, HTML, JQuery, testing usability, etc.

UI/UX Course Structure

What is the course content of the UI/UX course? What will I learn during the UI/UX course?

Some of the important things that you will get to learn during the UI/UX course are as follows:

User Research: In this portion, you will be taught various techniques for realizing the requirements of the user in regard to your product.

Defining Project Strategy and Scope: In this section, various methods of preparing a plan to achieve the goals of the project are passed to the learners.

Information Architecture: In this part, pupils will be taught ways to manage the contents on screen.

Developing Sitemaps and Wireframes: In this section, you will learn to use important instruments in UI/UX design for preparing the setup.

User Interface: For this section, various knowledge regarding the visible features such as color, typography, and layout. of the product is provided to students.

User Experience: These portions can include knowledge on making sensible products that can provide a great experience to users.

Responsive Web Design (RWD): In this section, you will learn how to develop websites that could run smoothly on different platforms and machines.

Use of Design Tools: In this part, you will learn about various designing tool, their uses, and their benefit in UI/UX designs.


The study of UI/UX design can be able to leveraged to build a career of seamless and enjoyable experiences be it touch screen, on-off button, designing voice, or others that are related to this field of knowledge and skills as follows:

  • UI/UX designer: In this job, you might have to conduct various research on understanding what are the requirements of users, design, and prototype and make those products attractive and user friendly.
  • Product Designer: They create the product aligning with the requirement of the client, they are also responsible for front-end coding as well as marketing and branding of the product.
  • Visual Designer: As holder of this job, you might have to design visually pressing interfaces, create prototypes for making efficient explanations of design concepts, and ensure the design matches the identity of the brand.
  • UI/UX Researcher: In this job role, you need to develop innovative research plans, conduct various interviews, execute user surveys, meticulously scrutinize the data, and explain the useful findings to the teams.
  • Content Designer or UI/UX Writer: In this job role, you have to play a very crucial role in creating a user-friendly product. Here, you might need to coordinate with the product design team to resource any design issues, develop precise and intimating UX copy, and write about the products in simpler language.
  • UI/UX Engineer: They fill up the gap between designer and developer and they have to deal with optimizing the UI elements of products, and they utilize the data from research to find out the needs and desires of the clients.
  • Freelancer: As a freelancer, you can choose any project as per your feasibility, you can directly contact the client to understand their needs and requirements of the design’s interface and submit those projects at an agreed time by working at your feasible hours.
  • Management: In this job role, you have to manage the team of UX/UX designers and ensure the product matches the required standard of the company.
  • Consultant: As a consultant, you might need to check on the website, application, or designs of your client and identify any deficiencies. Then, you might have to recommend suitable ways can upgrade the quality of those products.

Advantages of UI/UX Course

How can you get benefits from UI/UX courses? What are the ways to get the most out of these courses? 

The demand for alluring and attractive web products has increased the vacancies for skilled UI/UX professionals in the current job market. There is competition to learn UI/UX skills among the upcoming professionals. You can also get a lot of benefits from these courses. This course will benefit you in following ways:

  1. You can use this to boost your confidence in the field of UI/UX design. 

  2. You can use this course to be updated with the latest changes in the field of UI/UX.

  3. You can use this course to understand human psychology and methods for increasing their engagement with web products. 

  4. You can use this course to create blogs, or YouTube channels. You can use these mediums to share knowledge of UI/UX design.

  5. It can allow you to work remotely for education and professional advancement offering you the comfort of home.

  6. These courses can provide you the ability to share your research in any field through websites in a very attractive way. 

  7. These courses can help you to get a job in your dream company which can pay a significant salary along with several other benefits.

  8. If your dream is to win the UI/UX competition, then this course can be the pillar to achieving your dream.

Companies that hire UI/UX designers in the world:

Some of the famous companies in which you can be hired after completing UI/UX course are as follows:

  • Amazon

  • Google

  • IBM

  • Microsoft

  • Capital 1

  • Deloitte

  • JP Morgan and chase

  • CISCO systems

UI/UX Course in Nepal

What are the benefits of UI/UX courses for people in Nepal? Which company hires an individual after completing a UI/UX course in Nepal?

Companies in Nepal are demanding skilled UI/UX designers therefore UI/UX courses can be useful for students to be employed in Nepal. The UI/UX course is very popular among IT graduates in Nepal. The UI/UX course in Nepal can provide the native Nepalese a chance to develop their creative skills and get various employment opportunities. This can help common Nepalese pupils to grow into a globally competent professional. Additionally, people can get the chance to work along with world renowned UI/UX scholars. 

Interested individuals can learn this course with the help of various websites and youtube channels. Most of the youtube channels provide this course without any cost. Some of the popular sites like coursera, great learning, career foundry, springboard and designlab offer basic UI/UX courses at free cost.  Students can also choose physical institutions in Nepal to hone UI/UX skills. IT training Nepal is one the popular IT institutions which has been offering this course for a long time. You can click on the UI/UX course at IT training Nepal  to understand different aspects of this course in this institution.  

Some of the major companies that are hiring individuals who have learnt UI/UX course in Nepal are as follows:

  1. Digital Yuba Pvt. Ltd.

  2. Kantipur Management

  3. Softbenz information system

  4. Logica beans

  5. Themegrill

  6. Treeleaf technologies

  7. Softbenz

Frequently Asked Questions on UI/UX Course

No, most UI/UX designers are not required to code, however, having coding ability will always be useful for you.

A UI/UX designer in Nepal gets a salary between Rs. 20 thousand to Rs. 85750 a month based on skills and experience. Some of the companies and their salaries in Nepal are given below:

Fuse Machines           Rs 23000 a month

Leapfrog             Rs 40167 a month

Braindigit IT Solution  Rs 84800  a month

Nones Rs 40095  a month

Biz bazaar Rs 35100  a month

Neosoftware Rs 49686  a month

Most of the online sites offering UI/UX courses provide you the certification of completion of the course. But you should check the websites before getting enrolled if your priority is certificates

Both will earn similar salary ranges in the entry or intermediate level but with time UX tends to earn more in comparison to the UI designers.