Youth In Nation Building

Youth play all kind of roles in nation building. Youth are unbiased, creative, innovative, ambitious and bold. Without active participation of youth, no nation can survive. For their activation, we need to give collective education, experience, and attachment with highly qualified leaders. We must consider these aspects and we must all be functional.   With every New Year, the challenges are more than the previous year. We wait for easy days but we are facing difficult days than the last year. Youths must be ready to face all kind of challenges and move ahead. I am seeing that Colleges Nepal monthly magazine is providing a good message to its readers. It has brought peoples ideas and opinions to the general audience. I wish my congratulations to the team of Colleges Nepal Magazine.

Prof. Dr. Tirth Raj Khaniya

Vice Chancellor (VC)

Tribhuvan University.

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    Youth Role In Nation Building

    As we completed one year of our magazine, we cannot emphasize how much youths today have been involved in development work for nation building. They are the backbone of society, pillars for the elder citizens and significator for a national framework of our Country. Our nation’s growth depends upon the physical, economic, social and mental well-being of the youths.


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