Educational Hub

Satish Kumar Yadav of Mahotari went to Bangalore, India to study B Sc Radiography a decade ago. His parents wanted him to continue his education in Nepal but due to unavailability of course of studies, they couldn't. Unlike him, his brother Manish didn't have to go foreign country to study MBBS. Satish said that he tried for two years but due to limited course of study in Nepal, he wasn't left with any choice other than to go India to continue study.

Lately, a new educational system has been introduced called Country Multi-University after which culture of going abroad to continue study has reduced. Due to minimum number of educational institutes, students were unable to choose academic program and were obliged to go abroad. But now, the scenario has changed. Post the initiation of Country Multi-University, private colleges have started investing in this system. Moreover, Purbanchal Educational Hub has now been introduced says Mr. Bhesh Prasad Dhamala, the registrar of Purbanchal University.

Now, the students of Purbanchal University don't have to go abroad to study doctor, engineering and management. Purbanchal University has started B Sc Agriculture program in Morang. Eastern College of Engineering of Biratnagar is providing Bachelor of Civil, Electronics and Communications and Computer Engineering and is now preparing to offer Master's Degree as well says the Principal of the college, Mr. Amit Suran. Purbanchal Institute of Engineering, Dharan, is running Bachelors Degree programs of BCA, BIT, Civil, Computer, and Electronics & Communication.

Introducing such system has reduced the number of students going to foreign countries to continue study. In fact, it has managed to pull Indian students to study here.