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Types of Hostels in Kathmandu

One may prefer to find accommodations at different types of student hostels in Kathmandu.

College-owned Student hostels in Kathmandu:

The college-owned student hostels have a tighter rules and regulations. This is because college not only provide accommodation, but they are more concerned about the student's development and progress in their study. So, in order to create a favorable learning environment, the rules and regulations in college hostels are stricter to ensure discipline, safety and academic success of their students.

One significant advantage of staying in college-owned student hostels is the opportunity for shared learning experiences. Living alongside with class friends fosters a sense of community. It facilitates collaborative study and academic support before and during exam times. More often the library facility along with academic resources are available to residents of college hostel.

Private Student Hostels in Kathmandu

Almost 90% of good student hostels in Kathmandu are located within central Kathmandu, specifically within the ring road. Most students prefer to stay in areas near Baneshwor, Maitidevi, Anamnagar, Putalisadak, Bagbazar, Dillibazar, Ghattekulo, Buddhanagar, Shankhamul, and Shantinagar because many +2 colleges and Bachelor level colleges are situated there.

Hostels in Kathmandu for Travelers

There are many travelers' hostels in Kathmandu. They serve as ideal places to stay for travelers within the Kathmandu Valley, offering facilities located close to metropolitan areas of Kathmandu. These hostels generally have friendly staff who provide excellent services including accommodations, meals, trip planning, transportation with pick-up and drop-off facilities, and information about nearby places where travelers can buy required items. They maintain clean mess areas, comfortable bedrooms with attached washrooms, laundry services, and ensure better security for guest belongings with watchmen (security guards). 

These types of Travelers hostels operate under the safety guidelines and approval of the Kathmandu Metropolitan City government office in Nepal. The authorities have the right to inspect and even shut down operations if serious incidents of violence occur.

Common Rules in Hostel

There are rules in Private student hostels in Kathmandu set by Hostel Association Nepal. They are as follows:

  • Students will not be allowed to keep expensive jewelry, articles, or cash which in case of loss the management will not be responsible for.
  • No narcotics inside the hostel.
  • Keep your belongings safe
  • Keep your noise down and respect sleeping hours and privacy of others
  • Don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you like food, drinks and personal items.
  • Respect the staffs in the hostel and follow their suggestions
  • Sexual activities are prohibited and an offense inside a hostel
  • Stay in touch with hostel staff and fellow guests
  • Students must fill out an admission form in the presence of their parents and personal IDs like photocopies of citizenship, and license ID should be revealed.
  • The deadline time for entering the hostel in the evening is 6:30 P.M. in winter and 7:30 P.M. in summer.
  • Monthly fees in advance must be paid by the first week of every month.
  • If a student doesn’t stay in a hostel for more than fifteen consecutive days, the monthly fee is deducted by one-third for a once-in-a-year long-term basis only.
  • Fees and deposits paid by expelled students from Grades 8 to 11 will not be refunded.


Around 90% of the people staying in hostels in Kathmandu consists of students that come from distant areas and lack access to relatives or rental accommodations near their colleges or academic institutions. Besides students, there are other types of hostel-seekers such as remote workers, pilgrims, and tourists seeking accommodations in hostels in Kathmandu.

Students from a variety of background travel to Kathmandu seeking higher education. Students completing their Secondary Education Examination (SEE) come to Kathmandu to seek admission in Plus 2 colleges. Many students come to Kathmandu before beginning their bachelor's studies in order to study for admission tests, but a significant portion of students who complete their Plus 2 education then relocate to the capital city to enroll in bachelor's programs.When there are no family members, close relatives or rental housing options available to them, these students choose to live in hostels. 

Kathmandu is a home to significant number of people whose permanent location is outside the capital but is living here as remote worker. Due to the nature of their jobs, remote workers are unable to cook meals or take proper care of their rooms, thus seeking accommodation in hostels where such tasks are not a concern. Other than job holders, Kathmandu is a popular destination for travelers from all over the world. Though few in number, they also search for hostels in Kathmandu for whatever duration they are here.

More than just searching Hostels in Kathmandu for accommodations, hostel-seekers prefer places that are most convenient for them in terms of money, easy access to public transportation, safety and security.

Student hostels in Kathmandu provide long-term residency services for their tenants, offering basic facilities such as comfortable beds, hygenic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), 24-hour electricity, wifi connectivity, clean water supply, and television rooms.

Hostel Prices in Kathmandu

Hostel prices in Kathmandu do not have significant differences. Currently, hostel prices in Kathmandu range from Nrs. 10,000 to 15,000, depending on their facilities and standards. The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) standards ensure that hostels cannot charge high showcasing their features. However, slight variations in prices may occur depending on the factors mentioned below.


As mentioned earlier, most academic institutions such as colleges, high schools, tuition centers, entrance preparation centers, and training institutes, along with corporate houses, are located near areas such as Baneshwor, Putalisadak, and Bagbazar. Consequently, most people prefer to find accommodation near their institutions, making it tougher to find housing in these areas. Thus, accommodation prices in hostels near Putalisadak and Bagbazar are higher compared to those in Dillibazar and Ghattekulo. Similarly, the accommodation costs in hostels near Baneshwor are higher compared to those in Shankhamul, Shantinagar, Subidhanagar, and Buddhanagar.

Room Type

The cost of living in a hostel depends on the types of rooms students choose. Generally, the price is determined by the number of seats per rooms. Most hostels offer one-seater, two-seater, three-seater, and four seater rooms. One-seater rooms are typically more expensive compared to two-seater rooms, which are costlier than three-seater rooms, and so on.

Other Amenities

The hostel price may vary by an additional Nrs. 500 to 1000 depending on amenities such as attached toilets and bathrooms, as well as AC rooms.

The information above provides a generic idea of hostel fees. However, individual hostels may have their own pricing structures, and the above points may not apply to all hostels. Therefore, it is suggested that students verify the hostel prices with the respective hostel directly

How to select a Good Hostel in Kathmandu?

Anyone who is seeking a hostel accommodation for themselves should prioritize certain criteria:

Ensure it is registered Hostel

Hostels in Kathmandu must comply with Hostel Operation Standards of 2080 and obtain pre-approval from the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) before opening. These regulations aim to ensure that hostels meet certain standards, fulfill their obligations, and remain accountable, benefiting both students and hostel management. 

Furthermore, hostel fees should be reasonable and justifiable. As per KMC Guidelines, hostels are not allowed to charge heavily boasting their facilities. Monitoring committee from KMC has authority to take appropriate actions for any serious misconduct or offense in hostel operation.

Basic Facilities

As per the hostel operation standards, hostels in Kathmandu should have minimum requirements like physical infrastructure, toilets, kitchen, water supply, electricity, garbage management, and sanitation standards.  Additionally, it is important to for hostel to maintain proper cleanliness, creating a healthy and safe environment for residents.

Hostel Facilities

Ensure the its has basic hostel facilities like Wifi, hot and cold water, laundry, etc.

Service Oriented Hostels

Many people start a hostel business because they see it as easy money. Some even go on to create chains of hostels in different locations, aiming to profit greatly from the business. However, success in this field is not just about making money; it's about maintaining quality service while expanding the business, especially when it involves the health, safety, and happiness of individuals.

Hostel Wardens

Hostels should have a well-organized management committee, including a hostel warden, security guards, hostel assistants, cleaners, and other necessary staff. The role of the hostel warden is particularly important, as hostels with student-friendly wardens often receive good reviews and feedback.

For added measure, girls' hostels should have a female warden. This ensures that girls can feel comfortable sharing their problems without hesitation, which they may not feel comfortable doing with a male warden.

Value over Money

A good hostel operates based on its own principles and values. There are several areas where hostel management, particularly the hostel warden, must remain alert.

Fights and the use of narcotics are common problems in hostels. A disruptive resident may unexpectedly create problems, disturbing the entire hostel environment. Fact-checking and obtaining detailed histories of students can help identify their behaviors beforehand. Thus, filtering students during admission is essential to prevent future disruptions.

A hostel that prioritizes discipline while maintaining a student-friendly approach will provide a comfortable living environment for residents. Restricting access to strangers and permitting visitors only with prior permission is important to ensure the safety and security of residents and their personal belongings.

Therefore, hostels that are not cautious in these areas and prioritize business over rules, regulations, and principles should be avoided.

Social Environment

Faraway from homes, residents are often home-sick, bored and sometimes depressed as well. A hostel that has a social environment creates happiness and joy among the residents. Hostel warden has a prominent role in creating a social environment in the hostel.

Hostel Recommendations

It is advisable to look for hostel recommendations from your college teacher, college seniors, academic institutions personnel and mentors and make your decision. 

Check out Hostel reviews and ratings

Fact-checking hostel services can be accomplished through various means, including Google reviews, ratings, and other social media platforms. It is advisable to thoroughly read hostel reviews from previous residents to gain a general understanding of the aspects you are concerned about.

We recommend you to research into the above mentioned aspects before finding the best hostel in Kathmandu for yourself. This is essential for making your hostel experience enriching.

Book Your Hostel in Kathmandu with Us !!

If you are a student, and if you are unable to decide a good hostel in Kathmandu for yourself, you can dial us or register via phone or email through Colleges Nepal web portal.

If you are a job holder in Kathmandu, and require our help in finding a suitable hostel, Please do connect with us via Colleges Nepal web portal..

For travelers, ensuring comfort, relaxation, safety, and affordability is our primary concern. You can search on our portal, or we can suggest the best hostels in Kathmandu for you in affordable prices. Please feel free to contact us via our contact form. 

Looking for a Good Hostel in Kathmandu!!! Hurry up folks, you can get special discount by registering to your selected hostels via Colleges Nepal web portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the good hostel can be found in Baneshwor and Putalisadak. However, the best hostels in Kathmandu are not limited to a single pheriphery. Good Hostels can be found in all areas. One should focus on staying in hostel close to their study location. Along with it, make sure that the hostel provides all the basic facilities and meet the basic hygiene standards. 

The hostel charges in the Putalisadak area of Kathmandu are higher compared to other locations in the city. The cost for a two-seater or three-seater room in Putalisadak ranges from NPR 13,000 to NPR 15,000, while similar accommodations in other areas of Kathmandu usually cost around NPR 11,000 to NPR 13,000. This difference in price is possibly due to its central location and proximity to various institutions.