IT Colleges in Mahendranagar

Siddhanath Science Campus

Siddhanath Science Campus is situated at Mahendranagar, Bhimdatta Kanchanpur. It was established in 2033 B.S. It is advanced College for studying Science and Information technology. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology program of this College is affiliated to Tribhuvan University. This course provides knowledge of advanced IT applications with lots of practical studies and project works. Apart from this, there is core Bachelor of Information technology program of 120 credit hours of studies which imparts knowledge of software development, information security, network and system administration, database administration and use of information technology.



College name



Tribhuvan University

Siddhanath Science Campus

Bhimdatta, Mahendranagar



Benefits of studying IT are:

  • Earn more money and make new connections

  • All round skill development such as leadership, critical thinking, problem solving, communication besides computing skills.

  • Makes the learner better for his job

  • Multiple career choices

  • Expansion of knowledge and mastery in managerial sector of your career.


IT jobs and salary structures:

  • Software developer: Rs 30000 per m.

  • Project Manager:  Rs 64500 per m.

  • Junior node developer: Rs 15000 per m.

  • Big data analyst: Rs 30000 per m



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