Kathmandu University, School of Education Conducts an Information Sharing and Discussion program with Private Sector on newly launched MTVET Program

This program held on 6th June, 2018 aimed at engaging private sector representative in an information sharing and discussion program on the newly launched Master in Technical and Vocational Education and Training by Kathmandu University School of Education in collaboration with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH, Zurich). This initiative with private sector exemplified inclusion and participation of employers and educators in the process towards successful design and implementation of the concerned master program of Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED). This program included a welcome remark by Dean School of Education Prof. Dr. Mahesh Nath Parajuli, followed by a presentation on MTVET by Postdoc researcher Binayak Krishna Thapa. Following the presentation, an open discussion was conducted   with participants. The program ended with a closing remark by the Dean. During the discussion part of the program, the KUSOED representatives noted fruitful feedbacks from the participants and further the participants engaged in discussion on how private sector could contribute during the implementation of this program.  This new and innovative master degree program commences on first week of August, 2018. Currently, an admission call notice has been put-up in noted daily newspapers.