LLB Colleges in Birgunj

 The field of law in Birgunj, Nepal is very upright and applicable for the citizens to get social justice. There are also good legal and paralegal law firms such as Narayani Law Firm and legal research center, Janata Law Chamber, Bindawasini Law Chamber, Kushwaha Law Chamber, Ram Lakhana Law Associates etc. Also there are some good Law Colleges which produce graduates in Law degree to get employment opportunity and licensing exams to practice in legal field in Birgunj.

Some Colleges offering Bachelor program in Law are:

Hari Khetan Multiple Campus:

Hari Khetan Multiple Campus at Adarshanagar 7, Birgunj offers LLB which is Bachelor of Law program of Tribhuvan University of Nepal. This a promising Campus for quality education with outputs in a sound infrastructure and facilities to students for their learning and development. The objective of this Campus is to focus on quality education in Rural areas.

Decimal College:

Decimal College is at Birgunj 8, Panitanki Parsa. It is run by excellent and friendly faculty members and have well furnished building, air conditioned class rooms with CCTV camera, well kep science lab, computer lab and library with wi-fi. Decimal is one of the top Law College of Birgunj it provides B.A.LLB program and have produced merit scholarship holders of Purbanchal University. Decimal College have also organized international education tours in India.

Job positions with Bachelor of Law degree:


  • Paralegal
  • Mediator
  • Legislative assistant
  • Immigration lawyer
  • Probation officer
  • Advocate
  • Solicitor
  • Teacher

Contact Form

If you have any queries, or any confusion relating to educational matter, you can contact us at 9801169142 or email us at info@collegesnepal.com