MBA examination centers of Pokhara University

Pokhara University, kaski has announced the examination centers for MBA spring trimester 2019. The list of Colleges and their respective examination center have been provided by the official body of Pokhara University. Colleges should send all internal marks including courses of electives, specializations and project before 10th August 2019. On 11 August 2019 Strategic Management and 14 August 2019 Business Environment Analysis paper has been mentioned in the notice. All the exams starts from 11 A.M. and will be of four hours durations. Students are informed to know the location of examination center and come to the exam hall before the mentioned time. They will be placed according to the roll numbers in the admission form. You can also visit colleges nepal webpage www. centers-of-pokhara-university/ or you can log onto official website of Pokhara University and check the exam routine and center of MBA spring trimester 2019.