Nepal Open University

NOU Programs NOU Affiliated Colleges

About University

Nepal Open University was established by the Parliament Act of 2073 with an objective to expand the higher education to unreached segments of masses with cutting edge technology. It has got approval as the equal University status to other Universities of the Country. It is located at Manbhawan, Lalitpur. This University provides general and professional education programs at an affordable tuition fees for all. The graduates of this University are comptent for jobs in National and International markets and can also work as self employment.

Academic Programs:

The Academic programs of Nepal Open University are under the Faculties of:

  • Science Health and technology
  • Social Sciences and Education
  • Management and Law

Under Science, Health and Technology available programs are Master of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy in Information and Communication technology, Master in e-governance, Master Degree in Natural Resource and Development, Master of Science Environment and Occupational health, Master in Geoinformatics.

Under Social Sciences and Education the academic programs are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education, Diploma in Library and Information Management, Master in Media and Communication Studies, Master in Educational Sciences, Master of Philosophy in Education stream and Social Science stream.

Under Management and Law  the courses are Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Law, Master of Business Administration and MS in Development Management and Governance.


National Open Universities also provide services online with Information technology enabled Student Information System called Student Panel.  It also provides individual e-learning e-library resources for studies online.