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Nepathya College

Contact Information

Phone: 01-071-562537 | Email:

Nepathya College is situated in Manigram, Tilottama 5, Rupandehi. This college is committed to providing quality information technology education that is managed by IT experts and professionals. It offers academic programs in a world-class environment, and graduates are highly sellable in the competitive job market. It offers Tribhuvan University-affiliated BCA and BSc.CSIT programs and has proposed commencing BIT programs as well. Students also get training from Nepathya College semester-wise, such as first semester HTML CSS, second semester Node JS, third semester React and VUEJS, fourth project, fifth mobile programming language, sixth machine learning, seventh document presentation and project demonstration, and eighth semester an internship. Besides, there are eight other training programs provided by Nepathya College in technical studies. Students have a wonderful time learning and working in teams with Nepathya Sports Club and Nepathya Robotics Club. It has cooperative partners with IT, research, and training centers as well. Nepathya College is an ISO 9001:2015-certified institution.


The facilities offered by Nepathya College are:

  • Clubs and events
  • Training
  • Library
  • Computer lab
  • Multimedia Classrooms
  • Scholarship
  • Career opportunities

Why NC

Here are reasons to choose Nepathya College for studies:

  • Highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty which are IT experts
  • IT skill enhancing courses
  • Training class
  • Modern infrastructure and resources
  • meditation and yoga program for shaping mind
  • final year project defense
  • career counseling
  • Events like Global money week 2023
  • State of art facilities and resources

Scholarships at NC

The scholarships offered by Nepathya College are as per guidelines of Tribhuvan University to support financially to the outstanding students.

Principal Message

Nepathya College is no less in any way than a capital- or abroad-based education. It offers the most attractive program on earth, which is information technology, to enrich your career. We are empathetic to students and provide high-level technical skills to make them competitive and productive in the labor market.

Mr Sanjeev Bhandari


Scholarships at NC

The scholarships offered by Nepathya College are as per guidelines of Tribhuvan University to support financially to the outstanding students.

The various programs at NC are as follows:

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

BSc Computer Science and Information Technology