Bachelor of Computer Applications second semester online form fillup extended notice published by FOHSS Tribhuvan University

Tribhuvan University have extended the online form fillup notice of BCA second semester of 2021 group. Students have to fill the forms from 21 Chaitra 2079 upto 24 Chaitra extension, as the exams will start from the last week of this month. Forms should be submitted online before 12 midnight on Chaitra 24 and double fees by Chaitra 25 till midnight.  Regular exam fees Rs 2500 and partial exam fees Rs 1000 for two papers, Rs 1500 three papers, 2000 Four papers and so on. The exam fees can be paid over e-sewa app or khalti app. Practical exams will be held from Chaitra 1 till 22 days at students concerned colleges and campuses. The details about this is at notice below: