BScCSIT second and seventh semesters of 2075 and 2078 exam form filling notice published by IOST TU

Tribhuvan University IOST, have published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology B.Sc.CSIT second and seventh semesters of 2075 and 2078 batch exams form filling notices. Students of the above programs have submit the filled forms to their Colleges by 22 Magh 2079 and all Colleges to Tribhuvan University by 25 Magh 2079 B.S. Regular exam fees is Rs 2500,  exam fees partial of two subjects Rs 1500 and partial for more than two subjects at Rs2500. Late fees within one week over deadline is charged the same amounts. The depositing bank is Nepal Bank Limited Current account number 04500100099107000001. Exam centers will be published later.