MSc first year first semester of 2079 group exam form fillup notice of all IOST programs published by T.U.

Tribhuvan University have published first semester exam form fillup notice of MSc programs on Geology, Engineering Geology, Geography, Computer Science and Information technology, Mathematics, Botany Microbiology, zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Environmental Science, food technology, bio technology, metereology science, environmental health in disaster, Master in Data Science and Biodiversity and environmental management programs. This notice is for both regular and partial exam students of previous batch to fill exam form by 30 Jestha 2080 to their respective Colleges who will again have to collect and submit the filled forms to T.U. office till 32 Jestha 2080 B.S. Regular/Partial exam form fees for all above subjects, late fees, depositing bank account details and practical exam informations are provided in their official notice by T.U. as below: