Bachelor of Law 1st year, regular and partial exams exam center notice (TU)

Tribhuvan University Exam Controller Office Balkhu have published Bachelor of Law first year, in regular and also for partial exams, centers notice. Both exams commence from 5 Ashwin 2080 for 2078 batch. The exam time is 7 to 10 A.M. The published official exam centers are Sanothimi Campus, Bhaktapur Campus, Himalaya College, Richmond College, Cambridge E College, Butwal Multiple College, Ram raja Mohan Bikram Shah Multiple College, Mahendra Bindeswari College, Mahendra Campus, Mahendra Multiple Campus, and Prithvi Narayan Campus Pokhara. Practical exams will be held from respective Colleges. Another exam will not be held for those students who miss out on this exam.