Pokhara University released the journal of business and management.

Pokhara University, School of Business under the Faculty of Management released " The Journal of Business and Management" on Wednesday this week. The IAC Center had hosted the program where the fifth issue of the journal was released. In the journal a total of nine research based articles of Pokhara University, Tribhuvan University,Mohan Lal Sukhedia University,Vietnam National University of Economics and business,Lecturer of British University, Vietnam along with opinion of the research analysts on social, economic, tourism development, Development banks, Tibetan refugees Management, Nepal Stock Exchange, job statisfaction of Financial institutions of Nepal were released during the program. In the occassion Dean, Vice Chancellor, Registrar registered their presence. Prof. Dr. Yadav Sharma gaudel highlighted various facets of the volume of journals. Dr. Pramod Paudel also shed views on journals strong and weak aspects and also some of the academicians shared their opinions on this event.