MBA Finance | PU (Pokhara)

This MBA Finance program is intended to give an advance course in administration for people looking for senior positions in industry, trade and open administrations. Like all Master of Business Administration degree projects, these studies concentrate on administration and business techniques. MBA programs with a prominence in finance require more coursework in financial arranging, financial aspects, bookkeeping and other comparative topics. Courses may incorporate the following:

  • Choice making for development and administration
  • Investigation of prospects and choices
  • Corporate fund
  • Bookkeeping
  • Administration data system
  • Store network administration
  • Issues in administration and associations

Master in Business Administration Finance offered at the Pokhara University requires two years (69 total credit hours) to complete. Master in Business Administration Finance program is divided into six terms. The program comprises of specialization concentration, finance core courses, management core courses, foundation courses & elective courses. Students are ought to take Internship project in the 5th trimester and in their final trimester they have to undertake Graduate Research Project.

Objectives of MBA Finance

Students will show investigative abilities in taking care of financial related issues. They will be learning about moral issues in fund.


Students will show the capacity to:

  • Analyze and oversee chance in a worldwide setting.
  • Estimate the value of genuine or monetary resources.
  • Survey the impact of key monetary arrangements on firm money streams.
  • Recognize moral points of view on the social obligations of a financial proficient.
  • Pass on account information through compelling correspondence.

They will learn to think basically, as well as to take that level of speculation and impact change in socially and morally responsible ways. They will apply business information in various circumstances and will have the capacity to convey effectively.

Admission Requirements in MBA Finance

Eligibility Criteria:

In order to be qualify for MBA Finance program, Applicant must have to pass fifteen years of schooling that includes 3 years of undergraduate degree in any programe with either  2nd division oir 2.0 CGPA.

Career and Scope

The connected nature of our MBA degree will expand on your past managerial experience and helps you to move forward in expert improvement. Master of Business Administration in Finance program can lead you to have:

  • Higher salary
  • Advancement opportunities
  • More prominent employability
  • Adaptability in an advancing employment market

Graduates of Master of Business Administration in Finance projects can fit the for administration level positions in the world of money. Some mainstream career includes these:

  • Budgetary Controller
  • Budgetary Analyst
  • Operations Director
  • Administration Consultant
  • General Manager
  • Division Chief
  • Business Development Manager
  • Credit chief