Grade 12 re-totaling and grade increment exam results of 2080 published

National Examination Board (NEB) in Sanothimi has published Grade 12 grade increment, and re-totaling results as below. The grade increment exam was held from 22 to 27 Ashoj 2080 B.S. along with re-totaling results as per consensus of the board meeting on 17 Poush 2080 are published. Those students who are not satisfied from the grades obtained in this result will have to deposit Rs 2000 per subject within 15 days of the result published date (by 3 Magh 2080) with application at NEB office in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Students who want to receive changed grade sheet will have to contact the NEB office in 10 working days.

Students can view their results from the PDF provided above.

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